Zoja Smutny
Elle a récemment complété le Masters in solo/dance/authorship à UDK/HZT, Berlin. Elle habite, enseigne et crée entre Toronto, Montréal et Berlin. Sa création qui se situe, entre autres, dans les interstices du spectacle vivant et cinématographié explore des questions de temps ‘capté’ de temps réel et de temps immobilisé. Sa recherche est essentiellement tournée vers des pratiques de collaboration avec l’artiste torontois Guntar Kravis. Ensemble, ils ont tourné trois courts métrages et deux oeuvres en direct. Leur film ‘Between Time’ a été présenté à Cannes 2011, section courts métrages. Zoja est en pleine création d’un album concept pour un spectacle vivant, intitulé Ros’e Porn.
Zoja Smutny has recently completed her masters in solo/dance/authorship at UDK/HZT Berlin. She lives, makes work, and teaches between Toronto/Montreal/and Berlin. Her work lives somewhere between the frames of live and cinematic performance. Zoja’s choreographed work deals with questions of captured time, real time and still time. Her main body of research involves collaborative based practice with Toronto artist Guntar Kravis. To date they have created three short films, and two live works. Their film Between Time was presented at the Court Metrage in Cannes 2011. Zoja is currently making a new work entitled Ros`e Porn a concept album for a live performance.
Zoja Smutny has recently completed her masters in solo/dance/authorship at UDK/HZT Berlin. She lives, makes work, and teaches between Toronto/Montreal/and Berlin. Her work lives somewhere between the frames of live and cinematic performance. Zoja’s choreographed work deals with questions of captured time, real time and still time. Her main body of research involves collaborative based practice with Toronto artist Guntar Kravis. To date they have created three short films, and two live works. Their film Between Time was presented at the Court Metrage in Cannes 2011. Zoja is currently making a new work entitled Ros`e Porn a concept album for a live performance.